Saturday, November 21, 2009

i feel lost

I knew this would happen.

When i first got my camera i was so psyched. Knowing that i saved up for it and paid for it on my own was such an amazing feeling. There i was snapping away not knowing what the hell i was doing and getting those lucky shots every once in a while. After a while of having it my enthusiasm was a bit lost. Soon enough i was rarely using it and it somewhat just sat in my room. Why is this? IDK! Then recently i was asked to be a photographer for my friends Quince. Sometime during the Quince my camera's auto focus stopped working. Luckily i have warranty on the camera so i sent it in to get fixed. Its been about a week and a half now and i have just come to the realization that i really miss my camera... Soon enough though I'll get it back and I'm hoping that I get all enthusiastic again.

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