Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Matematicas will ruin my life

So here's my situation:
I'm currently taking a Math 14 class at college in order to get into Math 101(which is what counts for UC CSU transfer credits). About a week ago our class took an exam and just like I thought everybody failed it. So now the professor is coming up with an alternative so we have a chance to get a better grade. Now i calculated what it would take for me to pass this class and i would have to get a B or higher on my next 2 exams. Also according to some other professors only 25% of the students taking Math 14 will pass and the other 75% are likely to fail. Now i have never been good at Math and whenever i take it i struggle through it. So you probably wonder what happens if you don't pass? Well in my situation if I don't pass I don't get anymore financial aid. No more financial aid means i have to pay for everything on my own.(All can add up to over $500) Now you say well if you know your probably not going to pass why don't you drop the class with a W? Well guess what i can't because if i get an F or W I wont get anymore financial aid. In conclusion I'm now forced to keep taking the class and try and pass my Exams.

Note this though:
- I freeze up on test
- For me it's not easy adapting to a traditional class coming out of 4 years of IMP
- I'm not good at Math in general

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, study hard man. I struggle too, but in English. I have the same dilemma and if I don't pass my English course, I am screwed also. I fucking hate how education is a big part of growing up. Wish I could be free without money and all this bullshit people seem to live up to with a degree.